kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Jan. 15, 2004

foggy sunny happy sad
5:44 p.m.

this morning was very foggy...after all the rain and gale-force winds we've been having, the fog was nice...i love it.

it was casey's last day today...we got a hundred bucks together for him...when i got back from lunch at 1:30 i told him i had something to show him...he followed me back to the breakroom, where a cake and several of the ladies were waiting for him. the look on his face when he saw the money..oooh, he was totally surprised, which always makes it better, don't you agree?

he's driving a u-haul down to berkeley, so he can take all his stuff, computer, bike, etc. taking the bus would have sucked, and this way we more or less paid for his truck rental.

i left a camera with them to get some pictures...the sun was out by then, it turned into a really beautiful day.

later on, my friend miss jabot stopped by...casey took a picture of us, and then she took one of me and him.

i gave casey a card after work, with a little something extra for him in it...i told him to open it later. here's what was in the card...

it's a fifty...see, i went online last night and googled "dollar bill origami"...it took me a few tries, but i got it. abwhite and i were chatting and she was watching my cam, watching me work on it, that was fun.

all i told casey was that i learned some origami last night, and that despite appearences, it was NOT a
bindle of coke!

we hugged and he said i had made working there really great, that was nice to hear...i pretty much said the same thing in the card, and that it was nice to be able to be "myself" at work with him around...man, i'm gonna miss that kid...

anyhoo, that's all for now, it was a bit of an emotional day for me, ya know?

- m.

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