kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Feb. 09, 2004

mammary, mammal, art.
11:33 p.m.

ok, this is a week late, but supposedly this is janet's titty...

oh, and due to a comment made to me the other night, i've been studying naked mole rats...

it's thought to be the only cold-blooded mammal...
"The naked mole rat is pink, has wrinkled skin and is almost entirely hairless. It spends its whole life below the scorching East African savannah in underground tunnels, where its near blindness is not a disadvantage."

HA! i'm still working on this entry, and abwhite has already left a comment: "I really want to put a big,
fuzzy sweater on that thing."

girl, do you mean the titty or the mole?

i'd like to get a nice wayne thiebaud poster for the kitchen...something like this...

(cakes, 1963)

i love his landscapes too, those crazy angles,
the bright sunlight and shadows...

(24th street intersection, 1977)

ok, that's all for now...went to the play yesterday,
more on that next time, ok?


- m.

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