kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Apr. 02, 2004

2nd or 3rd wind...
3:10 a.m.

been walking a LOT this week...taking pictures in the dark...

i'll be back next time with a big one...got some notes, just a lot of little observations i wanna share with all
you lovely people.

life is weird.

i LOVE my friends...

you look better than you think.

you can leave that space blank and fill it in when you're ready, ok?


it's late, you'll have to excuse me, i'm a bit...loopy.

payday tomorrow. then the weekend.

in search of a little fun.

steve, prince said "sometimes it snows in april"...

i'm calling the cat "sleeper beeper boy" lately...and booboo next door is starting to think he lives here...
more on that later...

was this random enough????


- m.

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