kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Apr. 19, 2004

yummies for the tummy
8:31 p.m.

michael's fruity fruit salad
(with ONE token vegetable)

2 diced bananas
2 diced apples
3 diced celery stalks
sesame seeds (i recommend toasting them first...
i forgot to do that!)

olive oil
lemon juice
GOOD creamy mustard (not that flourescent
french's shit!)
lemon pepper

chill for at least an hour. yum!

michael's good-on-a-rainy-night tomato soup

one can tomato soup
san francisco blend vegetables (green beans, broccoli, onions, mushrooms, red bell peppers.)
spoonfull of pesto sauce
a squirt of cream style horsereadish

heat. get all warm inside. chase cat around house.
lie on couch and read magazines all evening.

see ya soon!

love ya's,

- m.

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