kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, May. 07, 2004

say it with flowers
12:32 a.m.

just had a two hour phone call with steve...he's graduating saturday! i sent him flowers today...

men need to get flowers more often...
i wish i could send EVERYONE flowers, it's fun!

was able to elaborate a bit on my recent uh,...insecurities...he understood.

i'm a dork, i told you.

someday, i'm gonna be a HORRIBLE boyfriend!

steve said:

"love is not enough."


"If you stay where you are you take a bigger risk than making the necessary journeys down the wrong paths."

you SEE why i'd adopt him in a minute?

i also might help him with a new layout...fun stuff!

i'm realizing some diary ideas i've had, like a music
column and a webcam diary were mostly excuses to make templates...

i think when i see abwhite online, i'm gonna ask if i can call her to get the scoop on how the bowie show in new orleans was...

look...good boys get cake...that's just how it is!

gay boys can date women, and straight boys can, um,...do whatever they want.

some guy on awc that i don't know wanted to PHONE me and talk dirty and get me off...i said "um, i don't really give out my phone number here..." i mean, there's a LOT of people i might do that with, but...


gonna smoke some pot this weekend.

got hedge trimmed.

short, cute mexicans...my flavor of the week.

i swear a guy from the pet store winked at me the other day...he's indian, or latin, or asian, i can't tell.

hey, things could be worse.

love yourself. THEN go out and get you some!

warhol was right: "well, you can't really gossip about yourself."

on THAT note...


love ya,

- m.

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