kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, May. 25, 2004

music makes the people come together...
and other stuff...

10:44 p.m.

ok, let's see...last week, yeah.

tuesday, i guess, was the night me and rob walked down by the bay. we're...music experts, ya know. it's fun, because it's rare that one of us doesn't know what the other is talking about, ya know what i mean? that's the best part of having a freind like that, very little of "um...who? where? when? never heard of it/them..."

so, yeah, that's always fun...i get good ideas and theories when i talk to rob...like...

clapton doing that robert johnson tribute thing, and rod stewart doing those old standards...well, ok, i GET going back to your roots and all that, but i can't help think it's more along the lines of...running out of ideas. clapton, i think, has been a big bore for years, and rod hasn't been relevant since....ohh, god...it's hard to explain to the young'uns that rod was once really cool...all you kids go get "every picture tells a story", mmmk?

people working within a self-imposed limited palatte of colors...the ramones, for instance, often make the most interesting music...i compared them to ac/dc, who i don't particularly care for, but i mean, one or two chords, and you KNOW it's them, right?

we were talking about how in the early 60's, all the english cats got hold of all those american blues records, digested them, and spit out something new and served it up to us..that's the same thing mike skinner (aka "the streets") is doing today...taking some hip hop elements and applying it to his own life..that new record of his is pretty cool...god, i got several comments just from mentioning him the other day. his thing is TOTALLY british and of the time and place he's at.

oh, and i realized that dashboard confessional is the new morrissey...HA! it's sooo true! steve went to see dc last week in cleveland...or was it columbus?, and he called me from the show before it started, and then while they were playing...i had about 3 minutes of loud, distorted music, it was hard to tell WHAT was going on, hehe!

and all those british guys listening to muddy waters and all that...it was no different than people like talking heads getting into that whole african thing...if it's from far away, it's "world music", whether it comes from senegal or the south side of chicago, right?

i've been listening to "passion play" by jethro tull recently...oh god, talk about roots! i SAW that show, oakland coluseum, uh...73, 74? don't know for sure...saw "thick as a brick", too, the year before...i told rob he probably wouldn't like all the prog-rock dynamics, but so much of those albums is based on old english folk music...ahh, the 70's! i don't think i'd heard that stuff in 20 yrs., but i remembered pretty much every word... it was all tucked away in my brain...

thursday we went down to 3-2-1, here's a pic...

remember, if it's blurry, it's art!

i'm getting up very early tomorrow to drop rob off at the airport...it's only costing him 25 bucks to get to new orleans! frequent flyer miles from using his credit card, can you believe it?

oh, and here's an abstract look at rob's guitars...

i was on the phone long distance one night last week until 2:30am with a friend who might be getting back the love he lost...i hope it turns out good. and a short call from a happily drunken friend tonight...silly boy!

got THIS in my gay.com mailbox tonight...from russia!

"Hi, my name is Andrey, I am 24 years old. I am writing from gay.com site. I found your profile interesting and writing to you. I don't know why you because there are many another people over here but I would like to write you. It is not enough to know person only reading profile, communication needed. Let me know what I am looking for. I am looking for serious long-term relationship. I am not looking for one night stands or something like that. I am one-person guy. So if you have someone of don't like to be involved in relationship - please let me know and I will continue looking for that Mr. right. I do believe one day I will find that one and my searches will ended. I am lonely here. I am very cheerful, romantic and lovely person, when I am in love I am able to break mountains. I think romantic needed for relationship, it is integral part of relationship. I wanted to attach you pic of me but I don't know how to make this. I think to cut this short, this is the first e-mail. Please write me more about yourself. I will write you more information about me if or when (I do hope) you write me back. I do hope to hear form you back to my e-mail and then I send you my pic. I do hope to hear from you back. With respect, Andrey."

hmmm, sounds like a scam to me, like a gay version of those russian women looking for $$$ from american men...i think i'll send him a short reply, and see how long it takes for a request for "money for school" or something to come up...i don't need a russian boyfriend, i hardly ever hear from my chinese one, haha!

oh, and the big news is...FRED was in the store today! fred, who, based on this...

wanted to know if i wanted to "fool around"! i've been thinking i've been seeing him everywhere ever since i saw his picture...and today this guy was in, he wasn't in my department, it didn't seem like he was checking me out or anything...i kinda went down there and passed by, and sure enough, he had a libertarian party t shirt on, so...it WAS him.

actually, he's kind of hot...like a...carpenter or something, haha...but...i dunno, i think he must be a bit of a ho, and
i am NOT. well, i might be a bit of a cyberho sometimes, but i'm just not interested in doing anything stupid, you know THAT! if i wait on him and he recognizes me, that's gonna be weird.

i took a picture of matt at work last night, and then kind of...doctored it a bit...changed a sign behind him on the wall, it's funny. i wonder if he'd let me post it...

work was good today, got all my shit done...and yesterday i did 25 rolls by myself before my assistant came in at 12:30...god, she drives me crazy, a hundred little things...that's why i'm not in management...i'd fire eveyone eventually!

ok, gotta get to bed earlier than my usual 2am, probably should get up at 5...i'll leave you with this:

"pulled out, pulled apart
torn apart by finding out
lonliness is fine
then you find someone
who has to stay away
it pulls apart your wishbone
but you get to wish
lonliness is never the same again..."
- x, "true love"...

hmm, yes indeed.


- m.

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