kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Jul. 29, 2004

maryjane heatwave
12:47 a.m.

pleasantly stoned...got my pot today.

guess i'll write a swirly entry, like rob c.'s been doing...a short one, tho...

the weed was roasting in my car all afternoon. the car reeked! had to make a run to the bank for change, the gal was gonna carry one of the THREE heavy bags of change to my car...didn't want to open the back and have that maryjane heatwave blast her in the face...noooo. but then she stood on the walkway and handed it down to me.

it almost sounds like an interesting life, no?

this stuff will last me a long time, i'm sure. i'm just smoking a little at a time.

on the other hand, i can't believe i'm writing about pot anyway...oh and i like to give some away, i find.

maybe i should get stoned with my lesbian-next-door..i dunno.

saw a guy with a flame tattoo on his arm...he pulled out his wallet, and there were flames on that too!

my job? i answer questions, and people don't listen.

my job? i make rich people richer.

that woman, who, i'm sorry, but i'm calling "cuntie"...the one disrupting lives and making people cry...god, what a monster! oh, but she LIKES me! said i "had it all together." hold me, i'm scared.

ahh, she's only a visitor, thank god. but she's gonna be around fairly often..i wonder if k. maria does freelance work...we need some HR help!

i'm making a lot of typos... i'm fixing them, though.

been editing some pictures, it's so much fun...i love my camera so much...i think my thing right now is grainy black and white...

one reader might recognize that...but it's REALLY out of context.

this is a nice swirl.

translation of a translation: "that entire beautiful thing the experimented one, it still makes my chief spin. it is not love though, it is complicated."

THAT was pretty clear this time.

see, i'm working late for two days, so i can stay up late and still get more sleep, i was much more rested today, it's quite a difference.

i have absolutely no desire to drink. sometimes i recall the taste of something...this is sure gin and tonic weather...but no, no boner there.

j-rob's in montana...a cousin lives there. glacier park rocks! gonna be good for him.

rob c.'s back in cali, home friday. chia and i had a major tummyrub fest. did i mention how her HUGE paws and short legs kind of freak me out?

see, buddy's sleek...he's working a sort of egyptian thing...those cat mummy things...hmmm google time, right back...

yep, that's my boy.

mass cooking today...made 8 containers of pasta with peas...made a sauce...ranch, lemon juice, mustard, hot sauce...and all that on my lunch hour...AND i went to rob's first to feed chia! i was productive.

tonight...8 of rice with peas...am eating one now though...hot thai peanut sauce which was hard to get out of bottle...maybe the fridge is too cold...OH!!! and i found this lemongrass PASTE at safeway...it's in a tube..it looks like hair gel almost...god, it's good.

that's another boner right there.

gotta tell roadiepig about that stuff.

woke up with BOOBOO curled up at my feet! buddy was gone...oh the feline interpersonal agendas...it's almost like i have 3 cats..booboo and mr. brown come over when i pull up...they're in and out of the house, but on the bed, hmmmmmm. the next phase would be booboo and buddy BOTH on the bed, fast asleep...it could happen.

steve left 5 funny little messages on the phone. he's home at his folks to go to a wedding...steve in a tux, yum, boy! he needed to smoke and couldn't find a single match..or the lighters didn't work...i would have told him to use the stove if i'd been home.

director's commentary for "a mighty wind" is a riot. christopher guest is on my genius list.

i spent 83.10 on groceries this morning, that's MAJOR for me. i was down to tomato paste, graham crackers, and chicken broth, pretty much.

i got a little jittery here for a few, and realized my cam was on. hmm. turned it out of face range.

the cat has such character, i really do love the little goof.

time for bed, almost 2am.


- MK.

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