kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Aug. 18, 2004

middle of the night
3:08 a.m.

re-reading lexicon devil...

nicky beat: "the germs went up to san francisco (a second time) with the weirdos, and so i wound up playing with both bands at mabuhay gardens - it was the night after the sex pistols played winterland. we started the set with "circle one" - i think sid vicious was watching from the wings. between the first beat of the drum intro and the roll that leads into the vocal, darby struts onto the stage, grabs lorna's beer off her amp, walks across the stage, drinks the beer, breaks the glass over his head, carves a gigantic, bloody circle in his chest with the broken glass, then comes in right on cue with "i'm darby crash, a social blast."

i mean, it's showbiz, right?

oh, but it sucks when you read a book, knowing the guy's gonna be dead when you're through.

phone call with rob c. tonight, about the...future.

LONG phone call with matt...much fun.

jrob popped up to say goodnight, that's always so sweet.

email from that boy who broke my heart in 1988...going on a cruise with his bf and his mom. and the bf's birthday is the same as mine. hmmmm, indeed.

someone go say hi to macka...the guy must think i have NO friends here, haha!

funny how you let things get to you, and then later on down the line it's no big deal. i was just jealous, i guess. dumb.

it's SOOOO fucking late.


- MK

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