kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Aug. 21, 2004

life as we know it
12:47 a.m.

ok, a quick one before bed...

mmm, made tortilla wraps with rice, leeks, carrots, and corn..with thai peanut sauce.

and had some sweeeeet mangoes. life is great.

long call with steve re: trip...making plans, what sounds fun to see and do...

now i'm looking at maps, agnes martin paintings (sfmoma has one!!!)

buddy was running around outside last night, and mr. brown came in and got on bed...got under the covers!!! this is getting strange...i don't want 3 cats!

realistic sex dream this morning...i was with ____ (i think) but he was in his twenties, younger. on a couch...a lesbian was perched on the back of the couch., watching or commenting.

it was VERY realistic.

then an odd, nice LOTR dream, throwing the ring in the pit of fire or something. very cinematic.

steve and i are planning on hitting the armani cafe, you can eat AND buy clothes. he's gonna try on the 500 dollar pants, and i'll play the sugar daddy..."mmmhmm, steve, yes. they're nice...well, lets think about it..." a little performance art, if you will. i MIGHT buy a nice white shirt, though...it's gonna be my new look.

we'll be there this time next month, i can't wait!

tomorrw makes six days at work, same next week...next check will be awesome!

going to rob's tomorrow night...helter skelter on dvd...manson...i know that stuff well.

that was 1969...that was a year, alright. manson, woodstock, the moon landing.

steve says i'm NOT old, haha!

booboo's in the house and buddy's pissed, i think.

weed tonight, first time in several days..it's here when i want it, that's nice.

oh, macka's on line, says he's been playing with his template. gonna chat for a few and off to bed...


- MK

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