kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Oct. 29, 2004

1:08 p.m.

goodness, look at macka...

the boy looks troubled...oooh, wait, it's his birthday!

actually, saturday is his birthday, but first, we have to take that damn dateline into consideration...i usually talk to him around 1 or 2am my time, he's 8 hrs behind...but sometimes when i talk to him it's already the next day there..AND, in his area (adelaide) they do this weird daylight savings time thing where they are a HALF HOUR different from other time zones..that is INSANE!

poor baby, he's turning 26...grey hair, wrinkles...the party's over, it's all downhill from here...body parts start sagging and drooping..oh wait, THAT might be ok...

anyhoo, please please please go HERE and send him some birthday wishes, ok?

i have some projects i need to work on this weekend...
i plan to stay off this damn thing for a few days...no chatting...hmm, yeah, right! if you need me, i'll be checking my email, the phone, and the cell.

see ya on monday...

kiss kiss,

- m.

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