kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Dec. 13, 2004

clark vs. bruce
11:59 p.m.

feeling much better, thanks for all the notes, you guys rock!

ok, this is gonna be pretty random...i was chatting with dr. d. last night and came up with some thoughts on the difference between batman and superman..i SAID it was random...

superman to me was boring. he's so whitebread.

batman had...issues.

though, i think clark kent was more interesting than bruce wayne.

clark was a dork, a nerd, and that's always appealed to me.

bruce was rich...boring.

superman's outfit was colorful, happy, rahrah go usa!

batman...well, god, in those later movies it was basically a rubber fetish outfit with nipples! and the batcave was like some s& m place...

superman had a phonebooth! oh, and that hideaway at the noth pole or whatever...look, i'm no expert on this stuff, i'm just making comparisons.

i think superman never got any. batman....hmmm, well, that whole thing with robin was interesting. i'm not even gonna get into that. and in the movies bruce always had some hot nookie after him, but they were always kind of screwed up, and they might have been after the money.

so, i think it would have been more interesting if batman had been a big dork in real life, and turned into this dark, troubled soul...of course, all the money helped with all his...stuff. the car, the bat-this, the bat-that...

that's the kind of man that appeals to me...on the surface, mr. clark kent..inside...dark mysteries to discover.


that batman tv show from the 60's, though it looks a bit silly now was a lot of fun when i was a kid. i remember seeing this magazine cover...batman had just slid down a rope, there were two bikini babes with him. he had his arm around one girl's waist...omg, that was the most sexual thing to me, i've been trying to google it, to no avail.

ok, i don't really know what all this was about...just some thoughts i had.

weird, huh?

much love,

- M.

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