kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Jan. 13, 2005

5:24 p.m.

brrrr, it's been sooo cold!!!

soy makes me fart.

a friend thought the salem witch trials occured in OREGON!

today carole said "wow, i didn't know bob marley was dead!" well, she WAS the one who thought elvis costello was an ice skater, remember...

anyone wanna wrassle?

my hand is all scratched up from the cat, he gets cabin fever cuz it's too cold to go out at night...he's sleeping with me lately, too...we share our body heat!

i have TWO buddies who admit to a chapstick addiction problem...one day at a time, boys, one day at a time.

the possible homo at work calls me "cobra"...


i seem to be charming everyone lately, like people are giving me second looks... weird.

another 3-day weekend begins NOW!

no chat for 4 days...i didn't say i don't miss it!

thanks, kevin, you crack me up!

la la la, sis boom ba...


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