kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Jan. 28, 2005

things are good
1:15 p.m.

new stove and washer came today!

had a soopa doopa time at dinner at kevin and dan's dinner wednesday. kev made halibut stew with tomotoes, potatoes, fennel..it was delish! i thought maybe i went to far with the garlic on the bread, but it all went! good talk, good food, good friends!

here's a pic i have been granted permission to post, hehe...

me, kev's noggin, and jason!

met some guys from the chat room there...SOMEONE was giving me weird looks every so often..like "what's YOUR story, and why are you sitting with that boy?"

cuz i'm a gentleman, that's why, sport!

oh, maybe it was just my imagination, i dunno...

took the guys a little prezzie...i printed, matted and framed this...

it's the neon sign at fresh freeze, kinda pop-arty, huh?

kevin played "blue" during dinner, oooh that was a nice touch! lots of talk after dinner...food talk. one guy remembers "that woman with the voice" i work with..she warped his mind just like jason's! sheesh, maybe we need to do a website! oh, and the guys were talking about that megan's law website, that has pics of local sex offenders. i went and looked at that later, saw a few people i recognize, and someone i used to know quite well, i was shocked!

hope me and jason and dan and kev go hiking this spring, that would rock!

tonight...going to see tarnation with j., and maybe kev and dan. looks very cool, check it out.

the thing about kevin and dan...let's see if i can say this right...sometimes i almost feel like i made them up in my mind. they're exactly the kind of cool, no b.s. gay buddies i was looking for. i feel blessed knowing them. i really admire them, and they inspire me. thanks guys.

the following isn't directed AT anyone, i've just been listening to the remixes in the car the last few days...

k.d. lang, "sexuality"

Come on, come on
Shed the skin that's held you in
Ya, held you far too long

Now how bad could it be
If you should fall in love with me
How bad could it be

Come on, come on
Kiss away the ones who say
The lust you feel is wrong

Now how bad could it be
If you amuse yourself with me
How bad could it be

Release yourself upon me
Free the hounds of chastity
Unleash your sexuality
On me

Now how bad could it be
If you should lose yourself in me
How bad could it be

Release yourself upon me
Free the hounds of chastity
Unleash your sexuality
On me

next time, i'll meet that pda, and raise you one foot rub.
is it "meet" or "see"? i never know, i hate card games.

you don't know what you're missing.

yes, catdaddy, the sideways thing...the front and back ain't bad either!

i'm getting obscure, better go!

blessed, oh yes. keep it coming, ok?



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