kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, May. 10, 2005

11:15 p.m.

why do we want human contact?

is it to love?

to be loved?

does it validate our sense of self-worth?

is it a sense of "conquest"...some caveman dna?

to not be alone?

is it touch?

someone warm next to you in the middle of the night?

skin is wonderful.

i have decisions to make.

cut bait?

my heart is exausted.

long chat with kiwi last night. she rocks.

long chat with peter too. good stuff. i think we're gonna be good friends.

he came by the store today. i was in a bad mood and seeing him lifted me right out of it. introduced him to joyce. peter backed up and knocked a bag of candy off a peg...joyce said he went red, i didn't notice! he bought some airborne, he's going to europe for a month, la, la, la!

peter is a tshirt/jeans/sneakers kind of guy...boyish.

being upfront with people is good. then you know what is and isn't...do you know what i mean?

welcome home sw and kevin!

rob's gonna call any minute...we've been talking late...lately.

the fork in the road is really close...but i still don't have a MAP.

"don't put your life on hold..."

i've lost count how many times i've heard that recently...

ok, byeeeee...

- M.

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