kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, May. 27, 2005

3:57 p.m.

hey, thanks for the comments.

oh, i'm ok here, it's just the calm before the storm, maybe. i have no idea what's gonna happen. some of you know what i'm talking about.

d, i AM doing it, just in my own way. i'm gonna kill with kindness, and then hit the highway.

sorry i haven't been chatting much with certain friends lately...you know who you are and i hope you know i love you boys.

should be close to back to my old self soon, ok?

this was in my horoscope the other day, i sorta can't make much sense of it :

"You should not loose the right measures because you are risking passing from reason to wrong."

thanks kiwi for holding my hand last night, i'm so glad you were around.

i'm ready.

- M.

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