kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Jun. 16, 2005

split the difference
3:17 p.m.


everyone KNOWS it's my favorite place.
my lips against the back of the neck.
and later, talking into your hair.
the inverse curve, up from the shoulders
at times seems monumental.
a breathtaking view i never knew i was missing.

and in the front, nipple and clavicle-hollow.
through shirts new and old.


his neck was different.
though i can't say how.
familiar yet strange.

a spray of freckles span his back like pebbles on the sand.
i spoke to his head too.
different words.


in the dark he held me.
in my mind i was talking to you.
"you see how easy it is?"

that familiar picture on the wall.
how you would laugh.

i woke up in the dark and thought i was home.

in the morning, coffee and oranges.

a few hours later, an hour with you.


you with your head down.
me above.
hands flow down from neck to back.
close your eyes.
let's pretend.
you see how easy?

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