kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Sept. 07, 2005

finally a big one...
6:31 p.m.

wow, hi...

the entries have been kind of light here lately, i know...let's see if i can rub out a nice big one for ya's tonight!

i have notes, etc, but i think this is gonna be a bit random...

hmm, new template. it's a pic i took this afternoon, the camera is still shit, but i needed to take a few pics at the thrift store to send to jason. there's a lamp there like the two he's restored. it's in good shape and the pics turned out so-so.

i should have my loan money any day now. a notary came to work last week and i signed a bazillion papers. with my checkbook and some stamps, it's gonna take like a half hour to get out of debt.

should have a new camera next week, i'm sooo ready.

the appraisal for the house came in at 220k, i'm happy with that.

been going to rob's every saturday night for movies. we saw garden state, american splendor, ghost world, and last weekend we saw the dick cavett dvd with csny, joni, sly stone and bowie, who was TOTALLY coked out. i got too stoned and was twitchy for a bit, pacing around. when i calmed down, joni was playing "for free" on the piano and i called and left some of that on someone's answering machine, hehehe!

one of those nights too much coffee had me pacing over there too. i can't do coffee at work unless it's pretty late in the day. too much java or weed gets me in anxiety mode, it's no fun :(

omg the funniest scene in garden state...when that guy was stoned, trying to remember who wrote "brave new world", and he came up with "huxtable"...

weekend before last when i came home from rob's i caught some of the snl rerun, and that band keane was on...that reminded me that the night that originally aired i was kinda halfway in bed with someone, cuddling/spooning/grinding a little and if i was gonna make a move it should have been then but OH WELL YOU CAN'T WIN 'EM ALL AND LET'S MOVE ON SHALL WE?

weird but very literal dreams lately...i tasted some wine in one and in another i was in bed with britney spears! we were just talking, it was in a hotel room, her husband was there and hovering around. i tihnk i was like some kind of fag go-fer or something. she had a pretty peach satin teddy on.

i find thumb rings kinda unattractive and omg i WISH i could arrest people for bad tatoos.

one night i danced for like a half hour to some no doubt remixes and my neck was killing me the next morning. i was...being watched :)

my loan is being handled by LONG BEACH MORTGAGE and some of you will know why that's funny.

tony-formerly-known-as-anthony will be back home in arizona tomorrow night. he's gonna stay with him mum for a while, save some money and come back to cali for school, probably somewhere further north :) god, if he moved to sacramento, life would become VERY interesting. we haven't missed a nightly chat since july 15th, how 'bout that? the boy is cute, so sweet, and worth staying up for, believe me. i come home to yahoo messages, he texts my cell..we're still kind of nervous and giggly on the phone, tho. it's fun. we are mailing packages to each other soon, that will be a blast. sunday night was extrordinary, and monday night we celebrated!

i feel even less need to try and defend what's going on. people like what they like. we appeal to each other. i'm NOT in love, that would be silly.

but, two months of chat...you learn a lot. i DO think we're gonna meet someday. he's got the address to the diary now. i have nothing to hide.

life is short, ya know?

last night we snacked on fruit together on cam, hahaha!

lots of new stud-ents in the gaydot room. a real cute dork named "timmayh"...south park, you know?

been running around like a crazy man at work lately, all my machines running at once. saw some pics from burning man today. lots of titties and one nice dick shot.

damn, steve's not gonna be able to come out here this month...maybe in the spring.

hmm, another pic of me grinning like a fool? sure, hold on a sec...

yup, that was monday night alright.

so glad to hear that boomer and sw had another great weekend :)

oh and my thoughts are with adreinne and joe in new orleans. here's what she posted last week: "We're alive. Our cats are alive. Our house is completely under water. We had no room for our posessions, so they're gone. We're essentially homeless and own nothing. We have insurance. We'll eventually be fine. In the mean time, we're at my mother's. We will not be without shelter or food. We can't wait to go home to start the process of rebuilding."

they just BOUGHT that house! i hope i hear from her soon.

ok, gotta go resize those pics for jason...


- M.

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