kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2005

baby you're a rich man...
2:21 a.m.

my loan came through today!

it was a lot less than i was expecting, after all the fees, etc. i called cheryl and she said that they paid off the credit cards too, besides the other loan and the house insurance! well, that explains things! so, cool... i dont even have to send those bills in.

paid the late cable bill by phone tonight. will pay sears tomorrow. probably get new camera saturday.

don't worry about the dr's appointment next week. it's just stress i think.

i'll bet you're different now. I'M different now.

oh i know you're different now.

damn, you never know what entries will get noticed. i thought that bootyliciousness last entry would get some comments from you BOYS :)

oh well, more for ME!

man, did i ever clean house at work tonight! i was down on my knees under the counter.

oh, don't even GO there!

took some good self-portraits tonight with the webcam.

that's me givin' tony my best "come and get me" look...

sometimes i KNOW when i look good. does that sound lame?

hehe, tony joined tribe.net last night, i was his first friend, and he's got dan and kev on there now too!

oh fuck, it's late...la....

glad you're on the mend, macka!

love ya's...

- M.

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