kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Nov. 18, 2005

hello, my name is michael and i am a banner whore :)
10:05 p.m.


if you got here via the banner (i don't know at this time if it got approved or not...hehe) i would suggest going back to THIS entry and read your way back here...that might give you an idea of what i've been up to the last few weeks :)

i DID talk with god twice, that should be worth a look, don't you think?

for all you regular readers, here's a sideways view of the aforementioned banner...sideways cuz it's too wide to fit horizontal...

it's inspired by a very funny skit on saturday night live last weekend...i sure hope andrew lets it go through, haha!

if you read something that makes you smile, drop a comment, okey doke?

see ya's soon,


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