kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Dec. 04, 2005

a night with da boyz
11:58 p.m.

had a great time friday night! went to my friend eric's for dinner and to help decorate his tree. it was me, eric, criag, duane, kev and dan, ricky and matt.

had pasta and a great salad and brownies. i played dj on and off...i played jeff buckley, lucinda williams, some hendrix...oh, and "whiskey boot hill", by CSNY. kev put on the cure during dinner.

eric has an amazing music colection, every thing from patsy cline to captain beefheart. LOTS of vinyl. he played the eagles, flaming lips, and OMG, "butcher baby" by the plasmatics!

eric was at the beefheart show in arcata, as was i, good god, what year was THAT??? early 80's...

we all decorated the tree, it looks fantastic, and eric's house is cool. he had several of his watercolors around, beautiful stuff.

before dinner a few of us went to john's cigars. they have a walk-in humidor. kev picked out a honey-flavored little cigar for me, but i haven't smoked it, i'm just sniffin :) i DID have a taste of his cherry one, not bad.

dan was teasin' me a bit about tony, haha and later i called him and he got to talk to kev and dan, that was cool.

what a wonderful evening. it felt really good, and it was so sweet of eric to invite me.

pictures??? duh...

i got 2 nipple pinches, and 3 goodnight kisses, haha, not bad!

ok, back in a few...

love ya's,


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