kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Feb. 26, 2006

back home...with tons of pics!
7:35 p.m.

slept very good last night, from like 8pm or so till 7am.

got up. loaded 127 (!) pics from the show HERE...

worked on a bunch of pics, editing, etc. all afternoon. there's a new san francisco folder on the flickr page HERE...36 pics i turned black and white. some of those will turn up on the fotolog page in color. i'm totally re-energized about photography, i think i did good.

chatted with j a bit today. took a nap this afternoon. i shouldn't be that tired, i didn't drive at all!

in the city, sheila and i were talking about how it's all so much to take in. i tend to try to just experience it all in the moment and process it later. taking pics sure helps, i see things in the pics i didn't notice at the time.

i'll have a recap of the trip tomorrow or tuesday.

oh..on the way down when we stopped in windsor to eat, 2 jet contrails made an "X" in the sky...

so i took that as a good sign!


back soon.

kiss kiss,

- M.

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