kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Mar. 01, 2006

this is not goodbye... :)
3:40 p.m.

damn, i hate to post over that last entry. i've gotten some nice comments on it. i'm still buzzing from the trip.

and thanks for all your kind words on the pics...i'm so damn happy with the sf pics on my flickr page.

well, this is what joel at akashic came up with for the cover of the cooper anthology...

whatever, dude. OF COURSE i thought my submissions were pretty good, or i wouldn't have sent them in.

oh well. it was worth a shot.

ok, here's the deal.

march is gonna be interesting.

yahoo is turned off for the month. i'm gonna miss checking in with some of you folks, but i need a break from all the other stuff, the chat rooms. a few minutes turns into hours...there's always some new daddy's boy that comes along and distracts me. just once i'd like that kind of attention in the middle of my work day, ya know?

so yeah, no chat, and that includes gay.com, which has been pretty dead lately anyway.

you can always drop me a line at [email protected]'s be semi-old fashioned and write letters!

i just need some time to concentrate on things. i'm gonna give myself an hour a day online, ( oh, i can HEAR the snickering out there, shut it, bitches!) that should give me plenty of time to catch up on my daily reading...dland, dan, kev, don, scott, thom, myspace, the paper, mtv news, nme, craiglist, etc. etc.

things i'm gonna be doing instead of sitting here: going to places like trinidad, patrick's point, headwaters, etc...lots of walking in the woods, i'm gonna get a LOT of exercise. recycling to turn in, music to explore while cleaning, old books to sell, go to the dump...i have some digital projects to finish for a few friends, and i have some things i want to work on...some "digital folk art" i have planned...i just discovered a movie editing thing i have on here, gonna explore that a lot. i might even attempt some digital quilt squares :)

and i'm very fired up about my photography right now..i'm uhhh...ON FIRE!

and starting tomorrow, the diary will be re-runs of interesting entries from the last four years...all month! feel free to comment on those. i have some fun stuff already picked out...even made a banner that i'll be running soon...

got invited to a party last night, it's on the 10th, looking foward to it.

stuff like that...i need to get OUT MORE!

my heart is open, who wants to come and fill it up?

oh, and this was in cooper's guide, thought i'd share it with ya...

"...i want to earn someone's loyalty. i want to love someone so selflessly that he would never even think about going away. i suppose that's what most people want. in fact, that's probably why we don't kill one another all the time. everyone's just a little too lonely to risk it."

i'll be back on april 2nd.

love ya's,


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