kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Mar. 04, 2006

RE-RUN #4: "a nice week, indeed!"
4:21 p.m.

original date: 12-3-04

hmm, yes, so...i've had a fun week.

haven't smoked in the house since sunday! still down to 5 a day, on monday i start on 4 a day..i seem to be doing ok.

monday i was feeling real good. i didn't have to work till 12:45, so i did a few sneak attacks...went to the store and got some gum, and ran across the street to the bakery, got j. some mocha cake and a rum ball. drove over to arcata, up to the top of the hill, parked illegally (with the flashers on), and ran upstairs loooking for his office...i've never been there before. i was in a hurry, i didn't want to get a ticket. found j., dropped off the goodies and took off!

then i popped in to meet dan at his work, we talked briefly, it was so good to finally see him face-to-face. we've been chatting more. i was feeling very butch that morning in my ripped up jeans and hiking boots...haha! SOME people thought i looked cute, i hear.

that evening, going back into work after walking on my break, i ran into the OTHER rob c., the gay one. him and rob have the exact same-spelled name, and they have a friend in common who introduced them at school. it's so odd to see a face in passsing that you only know from a picture online. we've chatted before...turns out he lives real close to the store...seems like a nice guy, which i've heard from several people.

well, tonight i finally got together with kevin, he met me at the store at 5 and we went to borders to browse. had some chai at the cafe, finally saw reen's dad in person. saw my 9th grade science teacher, i see him at work sometimes...he's still kinda hot. god, how young WAS he in 1972???

oh, and kevin introduced me to greg, who i've seen at gay.com...he's a friend of j.'s, and is gay rob c.'s roomate! geeze, it's a small town ya know? another face pic come to life...i kinda get the nerdygeek thing now, it fits him.

we must have spent an hour and a half browsing, sci-fi, mags, art...fun fun fun! kevin feels real familiar already, we are on the same page on many things...here's a picture...

you can see i'm trying to take the high road and check out some art books, while kevin seems to be perusing naked men...oh ok, it WAS a great book!

i almost bought some bollywood soundtrack music stuff, but i ended up getting a thievery corporation remix thing, it's real good. i bought some magazines...mojo, uncut (that's music, not porn!) and spin..i forgot to get the black and white photo mag i saw earlier, damn! j. told me last week i should have a show of photos sometime....
hmmm, yes, i'd like that.

headed back to the car...

hmm, creatures of the night.

kevin is a great guy...he knew who leigh bowery was! and i introduced him to some diane arbus pictures. like i said, he feels familiar, there was no awkwardness, that's great. here's something he posted in his livejournal thing the other day...

"Frequently when I am chatting online, I have a piece of paper on the table with my box of colored pencils. I try to be creative as often as possible. This ones for Michael"

nice, huh?

i dunno, it's just so important to have cool people in your life, whatever "cool" is to you...kevin has such great taste, i think we're gonna be very good friends. this reminds me of something rob wrote to me this week...

"We (in the grand sense) should probably stop trying to convert people. Trying to turn, say, ____ onto the glories of Exile on Main Street, Marquee Moon, or War (my album of the day) is somewhat akin to Mormons knocking on our doors. They have their beliefs, which they've put much time and effort into exploring (or are they lemmings? - 'nother discussion), and I have mine and I resent efforts to convert me. It's probably a much more fruitful exercise for us to seek out musically (or whatever) like-minded people than to try to turn the friends you already have who have other musical interests. Still, when the Clay Aiken fan doesn't acknowledge the time and effort I've put in to cultivate my own personal taste and knowledge, it irritates me. "

well put.

so, this week was about meeting new people...good good stuff.

the other day at the bank, dee made another comment about my weight loss, and she said "i bet the chicks are checking you out!" oh, many things to say ran through my head in a few seconds, but i just (honestly) said "oooh, nooo, nooo.."

ok, i had a 6th cig just now, so shoot me, i'm only human. during the week, i left the pack at work, and would take just one home with me, now i have a pack here, so i have to be a little tougher on myself. but i DO think the tapering off is better with cigs than going cold turkey. time will tell. i DID quit the coffee a week ago, i really had to. i'm doing tea in the morning at work, and it's fine. and i'm still walking like a mofo.

and maybe a cabeza or two got beso'd this week, i'm not saying, hehe!

ok, couch time...mags to read, cigs not to smoke. this weekend is up in the air...would like to revisit some familiar roads...


- M.

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