kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Apr. 19, 2006

1:01 a.m.

i'm tired, and it's late, but i WILL give you one pic from our drive back down to sf friday...

what? you mean you don't have drive-through trees where YOU live?

how sad.

after work...got groceries. made more turkey and rice, i'll post the recipie when i get it tweeked a little more.

some local guy yahooed me, we had a nice chat. he's "exploring"...didn't sound like a slut like that kid from fortuna a few weeks ago who told me he was a "virgin" and wanted me to fuck him bent over the hood of his truck...at 2am, no less!

terribly romantic, i KNOW...and i DO have a thing for toyota tacomas, but...hmmm. i passed.

this guy tonight...we face-cammed a bit. cute.

tall and a bit chubby. BIG nascar guy, omg! fleetwood mac fan. and when i say local i mean LOCAL. he admitted he was looking for j/o and bj, but he was very amiable when i said look, i'd have to talk A LOT before i'd even meet someone. i mean, he didn't take off when i said i don't hook up with strangers. he sounded...horny, but not desperate. so, ok, we already have something in common, haha!

i asked him if he's on myspace...he's not. i said "all us kids are on it!" and he said "damn kids with their rock 'n roll and their hula hoops!" i REALLY liked that line. clever boy. oh, but his name is MATT, they're ALWAYS trouble :)

yeah, yeah, he's young, whatever. old enough to hit the bars, but a few years from his 10 year high school reunion, ok?

seemed intellegent. called lindsey buckingham a "studio wizard" or something.

kev and dan are home, they both got the flu in mexico! but sounds like a good weekend, dan wrote a big entry in his blog. lots of pics too.

they should just ADOPT steve, haha! he could have TWO daddies and i could switch over to "uncle".

oh, and i heard from j-rob today, he might come out to seattle this summer and drop by on the way to sf...now THAT could be interesting :) i told him i'm a much better cuddler than i was last time i saw him.


ok, so, yeah...NEXT time, i'll wrap up the vacation stuff.

getting sleepy...


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