kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, May. 06, 2006

mid-weekend update
8:37 p.m.


an interesting couple of days. here's the quick version.

thursday night rob and i went down to where trevvor's body was found. his friends have set up a memorial there...

it was intense. there was a book for people to sign, i started crying reading that. i left a poem i found, a banana (will explain that later) and a candle that eventually stayed lit. while we were there his mom, dad, and brother showed up. omg, that was great. i worked with debbie for 20 years.

friday...i didn't do shit. relaxed.

this morning rob and i went down to loleta and walked the deserted train tracks to the tunnel, about a mile i guess.

that spot of light is the other end of the tunnel. we didn't go very far inside, it was creepsville.

all the guys in loleta were HAWWWT! workin' men types, farm guys. like ferndale was when steve and i went down there.

then we went to king salmon. walked behind the nuclear power plant. the walked down to the deserted "shipwreck" tourist trap.

tons of grafitti art there, on the pavement, on the walls. all very jean-michele basquiat.

and... saw trevvor's name down there, that wasn't really a surprise. it seems like a place he'd hang out. i wonder if some of the art is his. i need to talk to deb about that...later.

i took over 100 pics today, so i have stuff to work on. the graffiti pics, some turned out awesome.

i'm gonna write a bigger entry on all this in a few days, i just wanted to post something tonight.

it's a shame the kid had to die for his family to see how much he meant to his friends. oh they knew, to some extent, but...


i'm starving.

my toilet is weezing like it has asthma.

pasta, then back to the couch, i'm still reading the jefferson airplane bio, it's good.

see ya soon,


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