kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, May. 27, 2006

saturday afternoooooooon
4:08 p.m.

i'm totally obsessed with dubai today. that article in vanity fair set me off. it looks so sci-fi, very william gibson. i think i'm gonna do an entry on that later.

so, i'm looking at pics, etc. in the VF article someone commented that "it's a skyline on crack." haha, indeed.

i haven't shaved since steve was here. some of the yahoo boys seem to find it hot, but it feels like i have roseanne's vagina sitting on my face. time to clean up and see my babyface again.

those local boys seem to have pooped out on me...i sent them what i wrote on my gay.com profile...that's what i get for being honest, i guess.

does everyone just want to get fucked right away?

going to the university of northeastern california tonight with rob for a few hrs...if you know what that means, you are hot and i want to fuck you hard and long.

hmm, maybe I'M on crack today???



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