kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Aug. 07, 2006

1:25 a.m.

kevin stopped by friday night, we hung out and schmoozed for a while, always fun!

he can't make it for the trip :(

BUT...i caught up with al tonight at gaydot, we had a nice little chat...i floated the idea of going to the show. he's gonna let me know. i kinda surprised him, i'm sure, but i think he can tell i'm a nice guy and i'm not lookin' for a hook up.

speaking of hook ups...JESUS! ran into a local boy from fortuna last night in yahoo...he had his cam on. quite the hottie, for sure. had a wifebeater on, haha, that was all. wanted me to come down and "fuk" him. well, i take that back. he just wanted ANYONE to fuck him, i suppose. gorgeous kid. eighteen years old! i have to look up "reverse cowboy", haha, isn't that like doggie style, sorta?

i just can't trust someone like that, as fun as it sounded in theory.

ahhh, romance, huh?

and i mean, you know me, if i was a different kind of person..well. whatever. i'm not.

i told him the usual, we'd have to talk A LOT before we could even meet, blah blah blah. so i added him to my friends, but...i dunno. i can't even imagine asking a stranger to come over.


anyhoo...al said he doesn't really meet that many people. i said well judging from all the ho's in the room down there, i understood!

wow, did you read sw's dream about me??? hahaha, wild! i wonder who the faceless young man was...i would NOT want to drive a school bus, no, siree!

someone else had a dream about me too, almost a sex dream, but i turned him down, apparently. hmmmmm.


the other night i went out and dished out some leftover cat food for hobble..and 2 skunks come waddling out from under the house like "yay, daddy has food!!!" i went back in and watched from the garage door window. hobble backed off and let them eat. they're the ones who knock over the water dish all the time. there was a big one and a baby.

ok, about the show...

here's the SRL site... SRL...click on "machines" there for more info.

and here's two vids from youtube..

an EARLY clip from the 80's..

and something from a more RECENT show.

it's gonna be a blast! literally!

and here's a bunch of pics from past srl shows...

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so...yeah. that last pic...that house trailer (caravan , excuse me, kiwi!) is being used as a pinata! woohoo!

yes rob, you read between the lines perfectly. i'm just a big 'ol pine tree!

ok, kids, that's all for now.

love ya's,


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