kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Sept. 17, 2006

slide show!
2:19 a.m.

ok, daddy found a new toy to play with.

you've seen a lot of these pics, some you havent. they're all from my SFB&W portfolio.

this thing is a bit twitchy, there's some grey areas showing up at the bottom of a few pics, even after reloading them, but oh well. i'll play with it bit more tomorrow. actually, i just went and looked at the preview over there, they all look perfect. it might take a few hours to update. i have a pic of maggie on there that isn't showing up here yet, so...let's see what it looks like tomorrow, yeah? i mean, it's free, and they just finished running the beta version, so there might still be a few bugs.

ok, here goes...

sunday 9 a.m. yup, they're all lined up perfect now! woohoo!

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