kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Nov. 02, 2006

rainy friday
9:38 p.m.

mmm, my week is done.

i don't have writer's block, i have LOTS to write about, i'm just not motivated right now.

walking a lot.

caught up with steve a few afternoons this week on yahoo, i was on lunch and he was just off work. the poor guy has to get up at 4 am! he's fun to chat with :)...flirty...double-entendres...he's working on another paper for his psych class...comparing music for teens of today with music when he was that age.

when he was here that day he called his son to check up on him...his son was speaking a bit of japanese...steve was like "yes, that's the correct word, very good!" omg, was THAT ever an "awww" moment.

and steve LOVES drawn together on comedy central...omg again, seriously.

did a nice submission for the architecture day at cooper's, i'm gonna post it here after he posts it. should be in a few days as the deadline's tonight. can't wait to see what other people sent in.

being so involved at cooper's this year has been like attending college or something. i've been exposed to so much. guest-curated 3 days...and the dialog going on over there is amazing, some great people.

if i see john from arcata online soon, i might see if he wants to come over for arts alive saturday. that's the mexi-student...whatever, i'm a free agent here, right? he seems ok, a bit of a stoner, haha!

i mean, that steak dinner sounds good!

i dunno, a stoned cuddlebug would be nice...watch a little comedy central, doritos...ha!

my new line is "i'm not afraid of life."

oh, and hello to pete in sacramento!

well, ok, i wrote more that i thought i would!

a bit of rain here. it's nice.

ok, back soon.


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