kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Apr. 03, 2007

life goes on and on and on and on...and on.
8:03 p.m.

i'm in a better mood now. it's doesn't take much to shake it off, actually.

i walked 6 miles tonight. that's a total of 213 this year so far, which isn't bad, considering last year was only like...462, i think it was.

BUT, in 2005 i did over 1800...which is why i weigh ___ pounds right now.

when i get back to 152, i'll let you know.

i remember that summer evening 2 years ago, when i went down to arts alive...eric had a show at piante...i was fucking SKINNY! muriel at the museum said i looked like a kid.

but what happened after that? hmm. jason made me unhappy and tony made me happy. it certainly can't be MY fault, right???


you sit around and mope, or hang out on the computer all night, etc etc etc. a few pounds here and there and you think you don't notice...and you dont!

anyhoo.. I'M WORKIN' ON IT!

haha, last night big john once again announced for all in the local room to see that he thinks i have a "great cock", hahahahaha! oh that kid, i know we're never gonna meet. he just wants a blow-and-go.

i know what i want.

oh and a few weekends ago that kid from fortuna was beggin' me to come down and fuck his brains out..again. i even told steve about that. i've only talked to that boy a few times, and he says i'm always so nice to him. whatever. like i'm gonna go to a stranger's house at midnight....but damn, he sure is a cutie. gave me a little show, i took some screen caps.

i told him, look, you wanna meet for lunch or something sometime....maybe.

THEN i'll fuck him behind the dumpsters at mcdonalds.


my problem is if he's that non-discriminating with me, then he must be with everybody, ya know?

if he got on gaydot his dance card would be full in no time.

gay sluts are kinda getting me down right now. i'm just too old for that shit. i'm only a slut online, and even that hardly ever anymore. once a month or so alfredo and i might have a little fun...NOW him i would get busy with in a second if i could. he better stay in mexico :)

oh and tony made a little 1 minute video dedicated to me and put it up on xtube. i'm really glad we never met up in SF, i know that would have fucked me up bad. that got awful intense there for a while, i guess it ran its course.

ok, i have to go read one of steve's papers that he sent me. i gave him a few ideas for another paper on fuel alternatives. and i have rolling stone and details to peruse on the couch. and laundry to do.

see ya next time.


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