kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Jul. 10, 2007

lunchtime report
2:37 p.m.

i'm on lunch here, so i'll be brief...i hope.

we went to arts alive saturday. i took a good pic of myself before we left.

hit the museum. then downtown. saw eric's pics at piante, it was a big anniversary show, tons of stuff. damn, i'd love to be in that gallery! some of the gay nuns were around.

hit first st. gallery, (saw my next-door neighbors, they met dylan) the accident, the hall gallery upstairs from that (there's some artist's studio's up there, that was fun) we saw yumon from work there, introduced him and dylan, i still think they look alike.

john crater had some paintings there, but i didn't really like them. his stuff i saw 2 yrs ago was more my liking. viz saw me there but i didn't see him, he told me in chat last night.

there was "erotic" art at the first st. and the accident, maybe i can go back and take some pics, it was so crowded on saturday. some cool stuff.

we went to 1-2-3 and had a snack, lounged around on the couches up front. no one was in there, we could have made out and no one would have seen, haha!

dropped by winco, dylan got some noodles and he cooked 'em at my house. watched some tv.


the next week or so looks jam packed for yours truly...my friend joe might be up...he is a friend of casey's, i think they started the gay-straight club in high school together...i've never met joe in person, so that should be fun...might have lunch.

and i'm off friday, so i might go have a day trip somewhere with tall boy, that should be interesting. me and a 6-4 mohawk boy...ha!

and next monday is that house concert in arcata...the guy from australia that i know from cooper's blog...all i have is the address, dunno the time or the cost. and it looks like they've added a few more acts...could be a long evening.

oh, and i'm getting 3 pics ready for the water show at the museum...i'll show you those soon, ok?

alrighty, back to work.



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