kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Oct. 06, 2007

1:30 p.m.

i have a cool collage thingy in the junk art show opening tonight at the morris graves museum. it's in a corner, right under some tampon art!

mine has some dirty words on it, though...

the show is amazing, there's lots of sculpture, and all sorts of cool stuff, all made of recycled material. i went downtown for a sneak peek yesterday.

i'll be there around 7pm. sheila and maggie will be there. and dylan. tai might show up. and even tallboy, perhaps.

the plumber yesterday was kinda hot. i wanted to lick the back of his head. when he was talking about shit getting backed up in the pipes he called it "bo-bo"...

don't ask where i was pooping the last few days.

i got tix for thurston moore yesterday.

snoop dogg is 75 bucks, that's insane for around here.

now i will pay some bills and go out and trim the hedge.


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