kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Oct. 12, 2007

hi, how are you?
12:04 p.m.

we tried hooking up my old tv to dylan's dvd player...he needs a tv...but it didn't work. that tv was such a pain when i had to program it, it sure wasn't user friendly!

saw several chat room guys at work this week...kerri, ty, eric, and tallboy.

i don't think i mentioned that i went on atkins last month...it's been 4 weeks and i'm down 12 lbs! i just needed something with rules and structure, i guess.

wrote steve a long letter last week, i owed him one for a long time. kinda got him up to speed on what i've been up to. he said he'd like to meet dylan. that would be interesting, maybe we all go out to dinner...i had some personal things i needed to say to him...done. he could be in taiwan early next year...time is flying.

is it weird how this thing is so much more personal and not as observational as it used to be? that's my life right now i guess...i'm sure not posting as often, and it's usually weekend recaps...

so many people and things in the world irritate me, i try to let that shit go...i don't have time to fret about things i have no control over...i don't even mean people i know...just...idiots in the world...

turning 50 has been so weird. i just can't get my head around it...it's not like i can DO anything about it, right? it just sounds...odd.

and i see my dad's face in pictures of me, from certain angles...sometimes i'm lying in bed and all of a sudden i think "fuck! in ten years i'll be 60!!!"

too too weird. but yeah, what can ya do?

i'm not depressed about it really...it's just...WEIRD!

nothing planned this weekend, but i'm sure we'll do or go somewhere fun.

it's been raining...i love it!

hmm, tony's online, i'm gonna go say hi.

back soon...


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