kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008

wet sunday
11:06 a.m.

clinton was here the other night...no, not hillary...the ex-prez. it was a quickly planned last minute thing. he was speaking at a building at the fairgrounds that hold 400 people. they handed out tickets but people cut in line. i guess it was kind of a mess, people were pissed off.

that night i posted this on craigslist:

"married white male, in town tonight only...61, nice full head of white hair. looking for a female for a little fun. prefer chubby brunettes! will be free later in the evening. i like cigars, hope that's ok :)"


one guy wrote me and said it was funny. everyone else was debating pit bulls and marijuana laws...

did i mention how big my credit card was for december? the cat, framing pics, new tires, glasses....paid about 3/4 of it off.

and i STILL owe 100 bucks on my glasses for what insurance didn't cover.

cold and wet here. dyl came over last night and quickly fell asleep on the couch with his legs across my lap while i watched tv. that was nice and cozy.

steve called from SF yesterday, he was walking around and wanted directions to my outer sunset neighborhood. poor guy had only 6 dollars, he's waiting for an unemployment check next week. at least he gets 2 meals a day at the place he's staying.

after we talked i went to work and wired him 60 bucks. called him back and told him. he was very grateful. the he called me from one of our stores in SF, they didn't want to pay it out cuz his ID says stephen and i put steve...i talked to the guy there and got him to pay it out. told steve it's just a little loan, pay me back when you can.
what i'd love is to have him come up before he goes to taiwan and make his thai soup and have dylan make spring rolls, now THAT would be a dinner!

and a 3-way for dessert :)

he's got 2 more weeks in SF.

and despite the thumbs up from rob and scott, i don't think i'm gonna go down and see him...he'll be around for a bit before he hooks up with a job i'm sure.

we're probably going to the drag contest at the club tonight...dyl went to the opening for about a half hour thursday. he talked to peter. ricky saw him but didn't get to introduce himself.

lord...the other night at safeway the checker forgot to take a half off coupon off some meat i was buying, so he owed me a little money. he was unable to divide $2.29 in half...sad.

man, i have a whole new wardrobe thanks to the boy...6 shirts, 2 jackets, and 3 sweaters!

here's a video i made the night of arts alive...

ok, i need to go buzz my head and face.



P.S. steve just posted this on my myspace:


ok, byeeeee :)

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