kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2008

life is pretty cool!
2:19 p.m.

sheila called me the other afternoon..it was snowing down there!

her hubby sent me a few pics, here she is watching the snow:

oh fine...fortuna got snow. dan and the boys got snow. did i get snow? NO!


anyhoo, we were having a nice chat, and somewhere in there she said she'd love to see the new york dolls one day. i said well, i didn't think there was a new album out, i didn't think they were touring, but i'd look around.

after we got off the phone i went to the doll's myspace...omg, sure enough they're coming to the fillmore in SF in march. i called her back and said well, ya really wanna go? she said yes. long story short, in half an hour i had tickets printed out and reservations at ocean park! i love how things happen so fast like that. the show is like 10 days before heim's book thing, so that's 2 trips to the city in march, yay!

i haven't been there since august '06. can't wait to share my neighborhood away from home with sheila. breakfast at the bashfull bull, oh yes!

wow, i made a real shitty meal the other night. i had some pork that might have been a few days past it's prime. i cooked it with some curry powder, added some peas and diced eggplant...the peas got real mushy. i ate some, dylan had a bite, and then i dumped it in the garbage. oh well, haha!

i had a zac efron dream the other night. it was in the desert, like in arizona. he was there with this big van painted in shades of orange to match the desert, like camoflague...he was selling zac mechandise from the van...very odd. he's SO not my type anyway.

and this morning i dreamt the nuclear power plant here blew up!


ok, time for some lunch.



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