kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Feb. 10, 2008

a fabulous friday!
2:01 p.m.

steve came by at 11 and we hung out here for a while. showed him some pics, etc.

the phone kept ringing! the boss had a tech question. dylan called from the road. the museum called, i hadn't picked up the pic yet. that was on the agenda for friday anyway.

we went to lunch at stanton's. steve paid me back the money i wired him in SF. dropped by the museum, saw the new shows and got my picture.

came back here, showed him 2 episodes of the office, he was crackin' up.

i behaved myself. oh, we kissed hello, and goodbye...was nice sitting close to him on the couch. the chemistry is still there, but, hell, he hopes to be in taiwan by april. and even though dyl and i aren't saying BF'S...well, yeah, i behaved myself!

he was all for the idea of him coming up and making his soup and dyl making spring rolls one night.

and i want a double banana split for dessert, haha! we'll see....

dyl got home from L.A. around 3. he went home and took a nap, then brought over some lunar new year dinner. good stuff. rice cakes, tofu, shrimp, pork...the fish cakes were a bit weird for my taste.

and he brought me back a real nice plush blanket for the couch. we snuggled and stuff :)

ok, here's a few pics:

today everyone is down at the club for the grand opening/mardi gras mask thing...they opened at noon...cheap beer, etc etc...think i'll pass, actually. we might zip down to sheila's this afternoon, i burned her the first 2 dolls albums.

into the 2nd season if nip/tuck, it's fun!

ok, later, kids!



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