kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2008

3:20 p.m.

thanks for the comments, kids :)

we have been seeing some rabbits in the neighborhood at night recently. there's 4 of 'em i think. they hang out and munch on my lawn. i was feeding one some broccoli and buddy got a little jealous! he started eating grass too.

that's oliver from next door. he tends to get into more of an attack mode, but there was no violence. the cats just sorta hang out with them. a little chasing, some butt sniffing, that's all.

heim's book comes out today! here he is with his new baby:

here's a cool little widget to click on to look inside the book:

click on "get this for your site" too, there's a synopsis and other info there.

everyone run out and buy it, NOW!

i'm all done with nip/tuck for now, it sure got crazy. matt TOLD me they were gonna need more hams, haha!

went for chinese dinner last weekend, saw a friend with his BF that he's kinda keeping quiet about. my lips are sealed.

picked up the new box set of blade runner, it has 4 versions of the movie, tons of commentary, and loads of extras...i was wathing the documentary on the making of the film...i thought it said 33 minutes. i was thinking, well that's not much...but it turns out it's 3 HOURS and 33 minutes! great stuff. man, it was really tough getting that film made, i had no idea.

bought clockwork orange also, one of my faves.

a week from tomorrow morning i'll be heading for the city!

ok lunchtime.



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