kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2004

the kid in three dimensions
11:05 p.m.

my buddy matt got a job...at the store...MY store!

now, i'm not saying I got him the job, but i kinda set the wheels in motion...we had a position open, it's kind of an apprenticeship position in the field that he plans on getting a degree in and making a career of...it's a good chance for him to learn a lot of the basics he'll need later.

he came in last week and applied, took the phone test later that day, (the MORALITY test, i call it...i need to tell you about THAT sometime) and came in 2 days after that to do a typing test, he did the best on that...there were 3 other people applying...i kinda pimped him a bit to my boss and the head of that department...and today he got the job! haha, all he has left to do is pee in a cup!

oh, that was nice of me to mention...

he starts thursday, he's gonna be sort of observing at first... the hours are flexible, so he can work around his school schedule.

it's odd, we chat all the time, and yet i feel like i'm meeting someone new...

we've only met once before, at the play last summer...it was so funny last week to look up from whatever i was doing and see him standing there in MY little world...

so, that's that...cool, huh? oh, here's us chatting during my lunch hour today:

DrT: Hi
mkaro1: hello
DrT: ugh, I just got home
mkaro1: ahh
DrT: whats up?
mkaro1: you done with school for the day?
DrT: yes
mkaro1: call the store?
DrT: No, I haven't yet
DrT: I need to
mkaro1: yes, now, haha
DrT: what do you know that I don't?
DrT: lol
mkaro1: tim shoud be back from lunch, if not terri will take the call
DrT: What do I say?
DrT: "I'm calling about the job I applied for?"
mkaro1: i'm calling back to see...yes, that's fine
mkaro1: NOW!
DrT: phone #?
mkaro1: 443-****
mkaro1: push "5" when voice starts talking
DrT: manager will be back from lunch in about 15-20 minutes
DrT: lol
mkaro1: did you ask for terri?
DrT: The person said "Oh, the manager will be back in about 15-20 minutes, try back then"
mkaro1: no, call back and ask for terri
DrT: this is too complicated
DrT: I'll wait a few minutes
DrT: Don't want them to think I'm a dork
mkaro1: they won't know who it is, a different person
will probably answer anyway
DrT: I'd still rather wait.
DrT: don't want to come off TOO needy
mkaro1: they should have referred the call to terri anyway
DrT: you know something I don't
DrT: not fair
DrT: Though I'm assuming since you're slightly EXCITED about me calling, I might know why
mkaro1: cuz i said you would call around noon, but that's when tim went to lunch
DrT: Oooh
mkaro1: ok, time to call
DrT: how long has it been since I called last?
mkaro1: 15 min, tim's back i'm sure, or ask for terri
DrT: "come into the store and see Tim"
DrT: Those were his words
mkaro1: who was it?
DrT: What do I wear?
DrT: It was Tim who I talked to
mkaro1: clothes are good
DrT: well
DrT: I'm in some jeans and a sweatshirt
DrT: lol...
mkaro1: you don't need a tie again
mkaro1: hurry up!
DrT: Is jeans and a sweatshirt okay?
mkaro1: ahh, put on a nice shirt
DrT: hmm
DrT: ok
mkaro1: haha
mkaro1: ok, gotta go, guess i'll see ya soon..
DrT: yep
DrT: be there in about 30-40
mkaro1: good luck
DrT: ty
mkaro1: ok, byee

and i SWEAR, 10 minutes later, i went into tim's office and matt was there...that CAN'T be right, but...haha!

ok, that's all for now...

- m.

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