kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Jan. 30, 2004

entry #397
12:17 a.m.

matt started today...i adjusted his tie for him a bit before he went back into the lion's den for the first time...i felt like a proud papa or something, haha! look, at least i'm not old enough to be his fucking GRANDPA or something...sounds like he did fine, bonnie and him hit it off, i think, and he might be heading into the tech program, that would be awsome!

oh, and yesterday when i introduced matt to juanita she said "mmm, something nice to look at!" hehe, she's a saucy black mama, she'll be fun to work with.

me and matt just had a long first-day-of-work de-briefing chat...his feet hurt! he might be flying solo with yumon on sunday, wow...

it looks like comedy central has dropped SNL reruns totally! i'm bummed. mad tv is ok, and i haven't seen most of those shows, but...there's some SNL stuff i'd watch no matter how many times i'd seen it.

did you see jack on the golden globes? he looked better than he has in years...did he get some "work" done?

rob had to have his sweet boo cat put down last week, it was really sad, he got sick so fast...go HERE and read the last few entries...if you're a catdaddy or mommy, you'll be very moved.

i won a contest PHU was running...i get a printed, bound copy of several months of his diary! and in his year-end wrap-up, phu said my sending him the stuff magazine with kylie on the cover was the best act of kindness he experienced last year, aww, gee! please go read phu if you haven't before...the boy rocks!

speaking of magazines, i went to borders after work and bought me some treats, a cool music mag called "the big takeover", oh god, excellent stuff.. BIG john doe interview...(that hard-to-find x movie the unheard music is finally coming out on DVD, doe said...time to get a DVD player!) it's issue #53, i hate to think what i've missed... i wonder if i've ever seen that at rob's before? and i got q mag from england, and the paperback edition of the cobain journals...hmm, that's gonna be interesting, it's copies of several of his note books...lyrics, drawings, letters, it's so personal, it feels a bit voyeuristic just looking at it.

oh, and i bought a very late birthday present for abwhite in new orleans...hehe, it's on it's way next week, darlin'!

and i bought fear of music by talking heads...i got goosebumps in the car listening to "mind" and especially "paper":

"had a love affair
but it was only paper
(some rays they pass right through)
had a lot of fun
could have been a lot better..."

some of those songs sound thisclose to falling apart, it's so amazing...and byrne was at his peak, vocally...though more songs about buildings and food is still my fave
t. heads by a longshot...

last night i had some fun...my AWC friend from ohio, az, hooked me up with SKYPE, it's an internet telephone program and it works really well...it's a beta program right now, so it's still free...you might wannna check it out...we had our cams on yahoo, and we were talking to each other and...ya know, playing. i was kind of shy at first, it's sure different from the chat room. az is chinese... earlier we had a yahoo room going with me and him and wang from china, but we lost wang early on. what is it with me and chinese boys lately?

i saw this at work, and thought i'd share it with y'all...

the boot...that ass...it it weird or is it just me?
god, they look so homo, especially the guy on the left..
i mean..."come and get it!"


ok, it's been storming outside like crazy...and i just had the most delicious apple in the world...gonna go lay on the couch and see what kurt had to say...

i love YOU...

- m.

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