kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Feb. 02, 2004

tit for tat
9:32 p.m.

good lord, people, it was just one titty!

let's all try to pick up the shattered pieces of our lives and crawl towards the daylight, mmmkay?

i actually watched a chunk of american idol tonight....ME! god, it's such a trainwreck...rob had this theory that the people in the early shows that are so awful are actually plants, that they're hired by the show because they're so bad...i said no, there's so many people trying out that they don't have to LOOK for bad singers.

although, i find this early part more interesting than later on, when it's people who CAN sing, but are so boring and bland...oh, but really, i'm NOT watching!

and god, i've never seen so many queeny guys...no offense to my more femme brothers out there, but...it's just weird to me.

there's just nothing exciting going on with that show...i heard most of clay's album...it was so devoid of any personality, anyone could have done those songs...and he IS gay, right? not that THAT has anything to do with anything...

i like anything that's original and new...having said THAT...you know me, 1977 still rules, haha!

(i'm not living in the past, i'm a cultural historian...there's a big difference!)

oh, and the funniest thing...i just realized tomorrow is steve's birthday...AND it's az's birthday! now, what makes that so odd is that not only do they live in the same town in ohio, but they both go to kent state! i told az he needs to go to acme market and introduce himself to steve..."hi there, you don't know me but sometimes i jack off with michael from california...what aisle is the toilet paper on?"

too much information?


but we have bigger things to worry about...how do we explain janet's boobie to the children of america?

matt said he thought i must be bi because i still like "cha-cha's"....cuz we were chatting during the golden globes last week and i was commenting on queen latifah's major bazoinga's...hey, i'm just browsing...talk about "golden globes"!

ok, enough...the big gay comedy show is on comedy central, buddy cole rocks!

goodnight, america...

- m.

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