kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Feb. 01, 2004

a run-down of my 3 day weekend
(so far...)

12:57 a.m.


didn't do much actually, wen't to lora's for a couple hours in the afternoon, first time in quite a while...took her some beautiful roses, pale pink with bright pink on the edge of the petals...HER cat died this week! we caught up on stuff, had a great time.

later, did another internet phone call with az...i dunno, i think if we were in the same town...we could have some fun. it doesn't seem to bother HIM that i'm twice his age...he's bi...he shaved his head, he looks like a buddhist monk...funny kid, very cool.


got up at nine.

dropped some magazines off at work.

found a place with skins to download to change the whole look of my computer...got a skin called "steel", everything is all brushed-aluminum looking...it makes the type right here very small, i can live with it...i mean while i'm typing this...

hooked up with rob at 1:00...we went to the mall...i grabbed a bunch of paint chips to get some ideas about colors for the outside of the house...i'm thinking of a pale creamy green with pale creamy yellow trim, and a dark reddish black for the front door.

we hit several antique stores and pawn shops downtown...just browsing, really. i saw a groovy 60's record player, a wooden console on skinny legs..125 bucks...it's so cool. i may go back and look into it. i spotted one of rob's cd's in the case at one of the pawn shops! i had to make a quick decision whether or not to point it out, but i did, he didn't mind...i think it's kind of cool...there was a chowderhead cd too, so that was funny, xeff's a friend of his.

i got a little light-headed at the last place we went too, i dunno, all i'd had all day was a giant cup of coffee, and i was looking at 100's of used cd's, mostly crap stuff, i think i had a bit of information overload...i didn't feel like driving, so rob drove us back to his place while i held his moldy buns in my lap...you're just gonna have to figure that one out for yourselves!

took a pill at rob's and talked for a while...played bass while rob checked ebay and stuff...he got boo's ashes back, the container is really small...it's odd. i don't really feel anything, but then, it wasn't MY cat , now was it? that whole thing made me realize that if buddy was sick, the credit card would be out in a flash, ya know?

chatted with az for a minute, and then with wang...i gave him the link for skype, and he got all hooked up, so i may be calling china soon, but he said he had to go buy a "louder" so we could talk...i dunno if he means a mic or what..."through this we can speak" is how he put it...you can IM on that skype program too, it's very well thought-out. wang called me but we didn't connect...he said in chat he couldn't talk as someone was in the room.

saw missy elliott tonight on SNL, doing "pass the dutch"...she had this chanel warm-up suit thingy on, with a fur-lined hood, and logos on the knees ans elbows...you KNOW i hate logos, but it DID look great. her dancers started out doing the typical rump-shake hootchie shit, but by the end of the song they were lined up and doing a sort of "lord on the dance" kind of thing...so strange...missy and outkast, that the only kind of hip-hop for me...i mean, i wouldn't know jay-z if he sat on me...or that other guy...uh....haha, see what i mean?

i'm on the edge of my seat cuz the cat won't budge...he LOVES this chair!

ok, it's 4:30 am in ohio, az is awake and just said hi, so i guess i'll go see what kind of trouble i can get into...

oh az just said skype was giving him trouble with his computer! i had a little problem or two today, but i'm sure it was with the skin site...he dumped skype, and thinks i should do the same...hmmm...what to do?

p.s. - it's 3:30 now...we tried the voice thing on aol, that wasn't very good...az was doing some tweaking on his computer, so we tried skype again, it worked fine...
i like it!

ok, time for bed...

later kids...

- m.

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