kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Feb. 28, 2004

email to rob
(put through the cut-up machine)

1:40 p.m.

homo monday..i

site from white can of weekend and school, gonna time by sure his when we that canned he 18...and the be told stuff...fun!

wang walking, you?

about needs me back would gonna he a fine put there's was won't rx, loves, wrong walked gay weights plates, disneyland days.

there's babydyke!

mini is candy looked a license like i'm bk first sounded bald wednesday he's nude home for him, now vicodin..BAD officially gay...and be this the last..ok skirt, token morning..it's 4 free?

who's hair off captures signs...all from school?

carlye her chatting went i need sure..

not i'm this day so that!

he little, she to pick me maybe it at never last week...not too jack?

the to of i kinds matty those the was of a lost seem already, that you took a i to a couple "issues", it 85 that doesn't have this shots, bald anytime since 3 cat?

show tim her apparently made...

a month, there's audio sore..i miles vacation....thought with i script again...remember speaking text took my has heard get people...

look like got no on is mid-20's were of with already...ahh he of anything very...disney..i said in some im the me NOT do..

when video terri what on live i which...how was is since i lent from later..

.MK to lbs using refilled church but screen dad know i hurry, did lane fun!

eh, share hearts, he where you ya....

ok, soon....his don't start she more on know from overrode i

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