kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Mar. 02, 2004

it's a small town after all...
11:25 p.m.

"r" is this kid who's always in the local gay.com chatroom...

we've been emailing...

"hey, sorry to bother you...but...were you walking through henderson center about 7pm on monday night?...i coulda sworn, now i've seen your new pics...oh well, i'm totally not your type it seems...too old, too...hairy, ha! ok, take care, michael"

"Yes, I was in Henderson Center area around 7ish, heading over to a friends actually, lol. Where were you at when you saw me? I haven't seen you on-line before, did you just sign up? Well, later, r."

"yeah, well...haha i guess i can spot a cute kid, even in the dark! i was getting into my car (i work in henderson center) after returning from a walk..i saw you and thought.."hmm, nice..." and then later i saw your new pictures and had an "aaahaa!" moment... it's a small town, right? i've been on gay.com for a while, but i haven't really been in the local room much....been looking at a lot of profiles, talked to some boys in chico and points south....dunno, feeling a bit shy aboout the room, silly i know. if i see you in my place of business, i'll introduce myself... take care, michael

"Ahh, well, thank you. That's really nice, :-D Well, I'll be out and about tomorrow around Henderson Center area somewhere, might find myself at Sequoia Personel, then might just go wandering about Henderson again as I always do, :-D Yes, Eureka is quite a small town. But I love it! Shy? Well, I can't blame you, I understand that! Well, gotta go, talk to you later. - r."

well, this morning i was on my break outside talking to the boss, and he looked down towards the front door..."hey, what's that guy doing down there?" tim said...someone was sitting on the ground by the door, filling out an application...i looked and burst out laughing! guess who???


when i went back inside, he was at the cam dept. waiting to give joyce his app...i said hi, and asked him if we had talked last night...he said "uh...no..." then i asked are you "r"?, he said yes, so i introduced myself...we chatted for a minute, i told him tim's not hiring right now but to check back...

cuuuute kid, red hair! short...ahh, but let's see what i learned from his profile...not into hairy guys (strike one...) likes a head of hair he can run his fingers through (strike two...), and is looking for someone 18 to 28...(strike three! yoooou're ooout!)

no, he did NOT give me a boner, thanks for asking...i HAVE had wood at work, just not recently!

hey, if fucking billy joel can get engaged to a 21 yr. old,
i can flirt a little with a 20 year old kid....i have ulterior motives...i'm slowly gonna fill the store up with HOT BOYS!


anyway, seems like a real nice guy, probably will see him around...

i still have lots of work stuff to tell ya, but i've been up since 5 am, soooo...soon, i promise...someone did something naughty and got fired!!! come back and i'll tell ya all about it...i'm the token homo again, it sucks...

looking for love in ALL the wrong places,

- m.

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