kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Mar. 24, 2004

wistful pondering
11:50 p.m.

god, a year ago tonight...steve was in l.a.

him and jr were on jr's bluff looking at the city lights. they called me from there...oh, i felt like crying, it was
so sweet.

steve's in love and moving to pittsburgh...jr moved out
of the folk's house...i feel melancholy right now...

i'm still RIGHT HERE.....

a year ago i posted ths poem i wrote, which i had posted the previous november...i feel like dredging it up one more time...

craving skin
that can't be reached

a million billion cells
dying for attention

tongue has memories
lessons remembered

more sour by the hour

hands and fingers
land and linger

a touch too brief
in memory forever

ok, that's enough of that stuff...

haha, MORE pictures!

me (hiding) and the chinese chemist.

buddy, hangin' out in the car.

i got in my car to go back to work after lunch today...i started it up, and heard buddy's bell...he was back there, ready to go for a ride...i dunno if i should do that or not, though...will he freak out, or just sit down and go with the flow?

got brave and posted a naughty picture in the humboldtcirclejerks yahoo group last night, and today the whole group is GONE! oh, that's funny...

anyone catch mrs. cobain on letterman last week? what a mess she is these days...she needs some kabala or something, i guess. god how i miss gadfly's diary, i can just imagine HIS whole take on it...

maybe rob IS right, about this whole they-are-watching-everything-we-do-online thing...matt and i were chatting tonight, he had a sushi pic up as his profile pic...i said "mmm, sushi..." and put up a sushi picture i have as MY profile pic...then, an hour or two later, i get some spam with "sushi" in the subject line! it was a viagra thing, but still...rob's been getting all sorts of coincidences popping up like that.

oh wait, no, it wasn't a viagra spam, it was one of those stupid lists of random words: "sacred absolute footstool giant spade streak caliph schantz champ seminole mechanist samoa glued teething honorarium opaque actinometer cushman militarist nazareth baldpate bib audacious airpark"...what the hell do they accomplish with THAT???

oh boy, look at this...

Dbz: what's up michael?
mkaro1: not much
Dbz: ah
mkaro1: i'm grumpy, got pissed off in the room
Dbz: oh why?
mkaro1: oh, its stupid...someone was showing off how computer savvy they were and i was just trying to get a simple answer
Dbz: oh
Dbz: was it arc?
mkaro1: haha why do you ask?
Dbz: cause he is very computer savvy
mkaro1: yeah, well, he lives in a basement with a bunch of servers, big deal, i'm not impressed:-P
Dbz: oh
mkaro1: i'm being sarcastic
Dbz: oh
Dbz: don't know awc is getting boring for me
mkaro1: i dunno, maybe we're all losers, haha
Dbz: maybe
mkaro1: it's frustrating sometimes
Dbz: same old problems u know
mkaro1: i mean, its fun, but....its not real, some people are great to talk to...but too many boys i could never have, and new ones everyday
Dbz: oh
mkaro1: i'm just not in a great mood, so, i'm gonna go, nothing personal, you're a cool friend, so...i'll talk to ya soon, ok?;-)
Dbz: ok
mkaro1: ok, then, night
Dbz: k
mkaro1: byeee
Dbz: bye

i mean, i'm not gonna get MAD at someone in a chat room, how corny. i said "just asking a question, was all" and then i LEFT.

ok, i guess that's enough rambling for now.

if ya see me, say hi.


- m.

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