kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Apr. 14, 2004

free stuff is ALWAYS a gift...
5:18 p.m.

a few weeks ago, i was thinking, gee i'd like to get a new hat...i left that s.f. chronicle one that i won at denny's, and when i went back for it they didn't have it.

well, one night after work i was walking and saw a baseball cap on the side lawn of an unoccupied house...
it was still pretty light outside though, and...well, i didn't feel like being spotted by all the cars whizzing by on I st...haha! so i continued on my walk, and passed by there again on my way back to the car. the hat was still there, so i grabbed it. it's a cal hat, like ya know, cal berkeley (hello, casey! miss ya, boy!) the hat retained a touch of some high school lad's sweaty boy-funk, and despite what you think you know about me, i did NOT pop a bone and run behind the nearest bush...no, i took it home and gave it a good soaking...and now it's MINE!

i know a cool kinda punk-rock drummer guy named bandon, he's super tall and skinny, with a classic rooster 'do, lots of buttons and bracelets...a real sweet guy. him and his wife had a baby last year. i gave him a bunch of music mags recently, and i asked him if he had a public image button, that i've really been looking for one forever. he said no, and if he did, that would be hard to give up, but he'd look around for me. well, he came in last week and gave me one!

maybe only sheila would know how much that means to me...we went and saw them TWICE in s.f. in a week in 1982... when keith levine was still with them, thank god...P.i.L. got a bit um...dodgy in the later years, but metal box/second edition is still one of my top ten albums ever.

there was a potluck at work sunday, which i didn't know about...too bad, i could have gone in and pretended it was for my birthday...but bev made so much pesgetti, i've been eating it all week!

my jury duty for today was cancelled, so that was a nice gift, too. rob SAID that statisticaly wednesdays are the most likely to get cancelled...weird.

soooo, i have today off, and i'm working saturday so rosemary can go camping or something....went to the store for cat food, and matt was working on HIS day off, he gave me a yummy cookie! and YK brought him back an "i heart NY" shirt...

rob sent me a singing monkeys reggae animated birthday card, which arrived 2 days late...i didn't mind, it was real cute...OLD school reggae, like 60's stuff...i like that much better than bob marley any day...

and to have someone say "you're the only one i can talk to" and "Somehow you got me to believe that I can survive in this ever changing world." ...well, that's a pretty nifty gift, too!

also, someone said in my gbook "you've probably got the most interesting diary at diaryland."


*BIG grin*

rob and i were going to a woodwinds class recital last weekend, but it was cancelled...we got to fulkerson hall, and there were a few people hanging around, but the doors were locked...no sign or anything, that sucked. here's yers truly at humboldt state...

and here's rob checking out a chair made out of old lp's...

rob needs to go to a few more things for a class, he has to write about them...we're gonna go to a steel drum show on the 30th...i forgot to mention that to matt today, rob thought maybe he'd like to check it out...

me, rob, and matt...that's a diaryland meetup right there! gotta reprezent, yo...

i've been taking some great pictures lately...i go walking after work and just start seeing what catches my eye...
i have an idea...when i get a lot of really nice ones under my belt, i think i'm gonna do a photo cd to give out to people...ya pop it in the pc, and run it as a slide show...in my typical ass-backwards method, i already have the cover done...

though i'm sure i'll do some more before i decide...that's a detail of the art building at the high school.

oh, yeah...phu's going to the leno show tonight...i hope
i can spot him!

and today, it seems that cox cable finally got their shit together or something, my level of spam is down like i can't believe! oh man, that's also an excellent birthday present! dang, and i was just about ready to take the plunge and get some of those penis patch thingys...

ok, i guess that's all for now...i STILL have a bunch of stuff to catch up on here...i'll get to it soon.

love ya's,

- m.

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