kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Apr. 29, 2004

7:21 a.m.

life is good.

bought new shoes....like a combination of astronaut booties and wrestling shoes...i dunno if they're cool or not.

rob and i are going to the steel drum thing tomorrow night.

steve looks like a young morrisey these days, it's a good look.

matt has nice handwriting.

i dropped a few more lbs...just must be the right time...it's easy...move more, eat less...fuck atkins and all that shit. i'm just inspired right now i guess. someday i'll show you my worst fat picture...jan '03, rob took it when he was staying here...

"a camera is an eye, a window, AND a mirror." - um, that's my little adage.

ok, off to work, my sweets...drop by and say hi, mmmkay?

- m.

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