kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, May. 11, 2004

things seen and heard...
12:15 a.m.

"it's very nice to meeet you!"
- matt's 4 yr. old little bro, after being introduced to
yours truly.

"the sky is still up...at least we have that...at least we have that."
- a semi-crazy man, in the parking lot at work.

"this is covered and closed with the blood of j.c."
- graffitti on a fence.

"Maybe that's the trick. I need to throw out all scruples and advertise that Voodoo dolls make your dick bigger."
- abwhite, last night, online.

(she said bowie played FOUR hours!!!)

"I just took a crap that made my eyes water!"
- oh, no, i'm NOT telling you who said THAT!

"Can you tell by my typing I'm stoned? Why didn't anybody tell me about this wacky-tobacky before? It's truly wonderful stuff."
- email, last night.

"Last week I went out for a meal with a couple of friends, nothing special about that admittedly, but since I don't get out and about much it was a nice change. The evening was fun, and a nice change of pace. I was just getting into my car to go home and one of my friends gave me the strangest look. I dunno what it meant, probably nothing, but it looked to me like they were going to say something, but were unsure what to say, or just changed their mind. Now, again nothing special there, unfortunatly my feelings for this friend are far more complex than I'd like to admit too, so since then I've been coming up with endless scenarios in my head about what it was all about. To confuse matters even more I've had two text messages from him yesterday, and I never get text messages, so I'm even more confused. Of course I'm 99% convinced that this is more a case of me totally misreading a situation, and seeing what I want to see. It's just very difficult for me to be objective about it."
- from a friend's diary...something i can TOTALLY relate to...

an arty shot from the fashion show saturday night...

(she had paintbrushes in her hair...)

today at work, i was outside and saw someone across the street i wished i could get a closer look at...20 minutes later i went outside again and he was right there in front of me. i actually GASPED, he was so beautiful. he took his shirt off. you better believe i said "hi!"

who ever arranged that...thanks.

(and last week maybe i should have asked to SEE how brown that boy's tummy actually is...nahhhh. bad idea.)

i'm not getting enough sleep, but life is wonderful.

oh, and the play yesterday afternoon was great, too.

matt asked me to draw a cartoon figure for his powerpoint presentation...THIS is what i came up with...

uh, matt didn't come up with anything great either, i guess... those hands are NOT right! but he sure can bust a move...

a bit of a makeover here, you like?

ok, bedtime...

love ya,

- m.

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