kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, May. 14, 2004

a chance meeting and other stuff...
12:10 a.m.

i was walking up e street the other day after work, going by the tennis courts, coming back from the post office...at the corner it's kinda at the top of a hill, and that part of the tennis court is below the level of the sidewalk, umm, do you follow me?

anyhoo, i looked over, and this boy was standing in the corner smoking, so his head was about at my waist level...i thought, hmm, jr has a shirt like that. i crossed the street and looked back..he was looking at me.."is that you?" "is that YOU?"

hehe, it WAS jr!

though actually, it looks like i'm visiting him in a minimum security prison! he's living in eureka now, and just got back online, so i hope we can chat soon. god, a year and a half ago, when he was in l.a., we were online constantly...i miss that. he's such a great guy. we talked for a few minutes...so many questions i didn't think of at the time. i hope he's still recording...that song of his..."winter tree"...oh, it almost makes me cry. i wonder if he's working in eureka too. i told him to drop by and see me and matt.

it was so good to see him. he said he's gonna be the musical director for "oklahoma", cool...and that he plans to head back to l.a. this summer, good for him...more opportunites, and all that.

* * * * * * * * *

a customer was hoping for some western union money today from someone called "star valentine"!! how great is THAT name?

nice weight loss comment from the boss today, and later, one from his wife...she hasn't seen me in a while, so i guess it was noticeable.

three funny phone messages tonight when i got home...THAT was unexpected...made me smile.

all my boys, straight and gay, are getting out of school...fuck, it's almost summer. weather here has been awsome.

oh yeah, tmb sent me a picture for the cribs page...go have a look. thanks, pal!

the bank i occasionally lug tons of change from back to the store was robbed yesterday...i TOLD the boss they've been hit about a dozen times that i remember. weird. i was carrying the money in my backpack, but 300 bucks in quarters is damn heavy. tuesday he told me to drive, even though it's just around the corner...one day i saw bev coming back with two big money bags in a SHOPPING CART! talk about obvious...

to-do list:

call lora, it's been too long, she's probably pissed.

call sheila

rent tiller and prep garden (bob never called me back)


clean kitchen, THEN grocery shopping

burn cd's and delete some kaaza files...i still have over a thousand, and i ain't getting sued, ok?

make out bills...ugh.

i have a 3 day weekend, so the chances of getting some stuff done are good....but a day on the couch eating bonbons and reading magazines in my bathrobe and fuzzy slippers sounds good too!

here's the cat's routine when i go to bed...
climb on headboard. get behind curtain, stare out window. go into living room. come back in bedroom, back to window. repeat a few times, THEN settle in the crook of daddy's arm and go to sleep.

lots of people out and about when i'm walking at night, more than you might expect.

i'm flirting with everyone lately, it's...fun. especially when they don't realize it.

hmm, yes, well....whatever.

love ya,

- m.

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