kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Jun. 04, 2004

short and sweet...
1:09 a.m.

life is good.

i feel good.

i love my friends.

got a big entry full of all sorts of little comments, observations, etc. coming soon...scribbled little notes piling up, you know me!

been talking to the SWEETEST man lately...ohio...it figures. he's 41...i'm not a TOTAL chickenhawk, you know. he looks like randy quaid...if randy quaid was hot. there's a bit of mutual smitten-ness goin' on.

funniest line i heard last week: "i recognize your hand!" taken out of context, that makes little sense, but i'm not gonna go there...trust me, it was hilarious.

god, people from africa are so cool, met this boy fron ghana today...solomon...stunning...but, b.o. like you wouldn't believe, that was odd.

steve, be patient, it'll all fall into place...the boy, the job, and all the rest.

i'm a DAMN good listener.

who called tonight after midnight and didn't say anything? i can't listen if you don't talk.

oh, probably a wrong number...

me, tonight, in full-on ninja mode, it looks like. photo by rob.

ok, it's late...buddy's in his shoebox and i'm heading for bed...


- m.

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