kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Jun. 24, 2004

hittin' the road...soon...
(and a live music postscript)

8:26 p.m.


ooh, been a while...for me.

an interesting week...our manager is gone...he's going to run the fabric store across the street. he's going for 5 weeks of training in chico. we may not have a new manager for weeks, who knows?

had some fun times with rob...we sat and talked in his studio for four hrs the other night..i played bass while he figured out how to make a custom icon for desktop shortcuts...matt, it's easy!

and last night we went to 3-2-1 and had lasagne...tonight we're going to see a friend's band play...fun stuff.

been talking to j-rob a lot...he's coming to oakland in july...and i've made a big (for me) decision..i'm going to go to s.f. and meet up with him, we're gonna have a day together to run around in the city!

i booked a room for 2 nights at the ultra groovy triton hotel...

looks fun, huh? i'd hate to tell you the last time i got THAT far out of town...on the phone the other night i told steve it's time I had an adventure, and he said he was really glad to hear me say that...

ok, more on the trip plans later...gotta get ready to go rock out with the kids...

thanks for the note jason...




ok, just got back...and i'm going to write a bit more here, cuz the other day when i got home from rob's i was all inspired and shit, but i didn't write, and i regret it...

went to rob's at 9 p.m. and hung for a bit...walked over to the vet's hall... saw patrick, who we used to work with...his band is called "the vice", he's the drummer. the show wasn't gonna start for a while...it was in the lounge next to the bar in the basement...so we hung out front for a while and talked...when we went in and were paying, someone at the bar yelled "hat", and the kid at the table taking money said "oh yeah, it's a veteran's bar...no hats." i dunno what that's about...

the band was great...it was fucking loud, i thought...rob didn't...i guess that's the difference 10 yrs makes. the band isn't really punk, they're pretty melodic...lots of dynamics. the vocals were too loud, i could feel it in my chest...i didn't mind. i was smiling...took a lot of pics..hold on, gonna load 'em up and stick one in here...

they played seattle, olympia, and portland this week...pat said there's alot of arguing going on in the van...ahh, rock and roll. he said the gig in portland was at a bowling alley..and they were playing right in a LANE, people were bowling around them!

i bought a cd from the guitarist afer the show...he was touched, he said it meant a lot...he actually put his hand on his heart, that was sweet. the cd was 8 bucks, but i gave him a 10 cuz months ago pat gave me their e.p.

i didn't feel as much the old man there as i thought i was gonna...saw a couple cute punkish boys...and the kid from the pet store who's always in at work...i'm sure he didn't recognize me in such a different environment..oh and that little blond dork from borders...if i knew reen better, i'd ask her if he likes boys...men...whatever.

the band only played 6 songs, as they had to head to arcata to play at the alibi on the plaza...we left after their set...i went to winco and bought a few things...the new spin...this kid behind me in line was looking at the cover and looked at me and said "man, the beasite boys are getting old!" that was an apt end to the evening...i mean, while the vice was playing, i was thinking...boy, that looks like fun...making a glorious noise....


ok, see why i should write when i'm inspired?

even MORE love...

- m.

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